Dog haters need not apply

We would venture to say that anyone who hates dogs is because dogs hate them. Dogs are great judges of characters and they can smell and sniff out bad characters miles away.

Calling someone a dog as an insult shows very very very bad character. No one in their right mind could hate pooches. Fetch Fido !

Dogs are lovable creatures, companions, best friends.  Canines calm us, protect us, and comfort us.  Plus, they are just plain adorable even the ugly mutts, YAPPY chi-wow wows, and mean ones.

Perhaps having a First Dog should be a requirement for anyone qualifying to be a candidate for the White House. Or at the very least, they have to PASS the sniff sniff test of any reliable hound.

Cici agrees, woof woof woof, she says.



Enough said, huh.


According to Gail Collins, New York Times,

No reason to say he’s stupid. Maybe just a little dim by presidential standards.

“And about him calling people a “dog.” This all goes back to the fact that Trump hates animals. Particularly friendly animals. (You don’t see him constantly saying an enemy is a “coyote” or “hyena” or “python.”) Trump has never even owned a goldfish, as far as anybody knows. No pets at all, except a poodle named Chappy that belonged to his first wife, and which he tried to evict. (Ivana Trump said in her recent autobiography that Chappy “had an equal dislike of Donald.”)

“When he calls someone a “dog,” he’s just reacting to a pathological fear that he’s unlovable. Just as when he calls someone “dumb,” he’s trying to get past the fact that he’s not all that bright.”


Anyway, senior dogs make the best pets for seniors.


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